Mouth Cancer Screening
Oral Cancer is the 16th most common cancer in the UK. Higher incidence in men, male to female ratio of 2:1. Age related, although varies with gender. An average of approximately 15% of cases diagnosed in males is in the 75+years age group and 71% in the 50-74 age group
Who Gets Oral Cancer
Men face twice the risk of developing oral cancer as women, and men who are over age 50 face the greatest risk.
How to Prevent
The main causes of mouth cancer are drinking heavily and smoking or chewing tobacco. Long term exposure to sunlight and sunbeds (UV light) can increase the risk of lip cancer.
Why Mouth Cancer Screening
The goal of oral cancer screening is to detect mouth cancer or precancerous lesions that may lead to mouth cancer at an early stage — when cancer or lesions are easiest to remove and most likely to be cured.
Cancer of The Tongue
Cancer of the tongue is the most common mouth cancer, about 1,900 cases a year diagnosed in the UK. Oropharynx tumours are uncommon and tend to affect those aged between 40 and 70 years of age.
Early Detection is Vital, As Chance of Survival Plummet If Diagnosis is Delayed
Oral / Mouth cancer is a sub-type of head and neck cancer, whereas the cancerous tissue growth is located in the oral cavity. It can affect anyone, whether they have their own teeth or not, but people who smoke, drink alcohol to excess, have a poor diet or use chewing tobacco are mainly at risk.
According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, Over 300,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed every year, worldwide. This serious dental disease which affects the mouth, lips or throat is often highly treatable if diagnosed and treated in the early stages.
Mouth cancers are more common in people over 45, predominantly men. However, Dental Health research has shown that mouth cancer is becoming more common in young adults and in women. There are, on average, over 6000 new cases of mouth cancer diagnosed in the UK each year.
The number of new cases of mouth cancer is on the increase. Although the number of deaths each year from oral cancer is astounding, it is highly curable if diagnosed in the early stages of the cancer. Prevention is the key factor in oral cancer and a regular dental examination could save your life
Mouth cancer screening is a routine part of a dental examination. Regular check-ups, including an examination of the entire mouth, are essential in the early detection of pre-cancerous conditions. You may have a very small, but dangerous, oral spot or sore and not be aware of it. Experienced dentists at Lane Ends Dental Practice have the skills and tools to ensure that early signs of cancer are identified. You and your dentist can fight and win the battle against oral cancer. They will examine the inside of your mouth and your tongue with the help of a small mirror. Remember, your dentist is able to see parts of your mouth that you cannot see easily yourself.

Dentists play a vital role in Diagnosing Oral Cancer and saving lives

Oral Cancer often starts as a tiny, unnoticed white or red spot or sore anywhere in the mouth. Other signs include;
- An ulcer that bleeds easily or does not heal
- Pain, tenderness, or numbness anywhere in the mouth or on the lips
- A colour change of the oral tissues
- Difficulty to chew, swallow, speak or to move the jaw / or tongue.
- A lump, thickening, rough spot, crust or small eroded area
- Unexplained tooth mobility persisting for more than few weeks
- Neck swelling present for more than three weeks
- Unexplained persistent earache
These symptoms can be caused by other, less serious problems, but they can also indicate the possible presence of oral cancer. your dentist will be able to tell you definitively. Some think that a visit to their medical doctor is the appropriate course of action. But remember that dentists are trained and well experienced in diagnosing any type oral cancer. At all check-ups it is our policy to provide an elective screening for oral cancer. Be in control of your oral health. Practice good oral hygiene, see your Dentist regularly